
Feb 1, 2015

Ruby Bridges en Español

Welcome to the Bilingual Teacher Clubhouse! 

February has arrived!  That means Valentine's Day is just a couple of weeks away.  For many of us, it also marks the beginning of teaching about famous African Americans since February is Black History Month. 

Do you have trouble finding resources about famous African Americans in Spanish?  I know I always did when I was a classroom teacher.  

Ruby Bridges
One of my very favorite famous African Americans is Ruby Bridges.  Her life story is incredible and students can relate to her since she faced some of her greatest challenges while only in elementary school. 

I made this little freebie to share with you this month.  It includes supplemental pages that will fit in nicely with your Ruby Bridges unit.  Not only are they free, they are in Spanish! 

I hope you like them. Click on the image below to download. 
 Download Here


  1. Love this Nancy. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Nice one. People are becoming aware of this kind of topic and I would like to thank the author for writing this kind of article for the benefit of people.
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