
Jun 15, 2014

Kinder Bilingue by Juliana

Hello friends! My name is Juliana Suarez from Kinder bilingue. I am from Bogotá, Colombia. I moved to the United States almost 13 years ago.  My husband is from Mendoza, Argentina and we live and work in Texas.

I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I enrolled in a class called "Elementary Teaching Internship" my junior year in high school. I observed an amazing bilingual kindergarten classroom (and teacher) and 6 years later, I finally had  my own kinder classroom. I will begin my fourth year as a bilingual teacher for gifted and talented students this upcoming fall. 

I have  worked as a bilingual assistant for five years while going to school to be a teacher. As a bilingual assistant, I got to experience different settings in three different schools (early-exit, late-exit). This gave me a whole new perspective on being a bilingual teacher. All of the teachers created their own materials and were translating indefinitely throughout the year. 

My goal was to do the same, until I found TPT. Knowing that other bilingual teachers were sharing their work was amazing, I implemented new ideas and it also saved me a lot of time. I hope to do the same for you, knowing that  you are using something I created for my class gives me the  best feeling of appreciation. 

I create materials for my gifted students which come to me at various ability levels. I hope that you find new activities you want to try and that can also save you a lot of time. 


  1. Hi Julia, My name is Stephanie Corchado-Castaneda. The only pupil that I have is my young son, but I do have a (new, so not fully loaded, but maybe helpful) blog called and there are several free printable learning aids there. I moonlight over at my sister's blog while she is in her final year of college, and we have many things there as well and links to a lot of great sites such as Maybe we can be helpful to you! :) (It's all free and for the love of teaching!..and free printables...)

    Thank you for what you do. My son speaks more Spanish than English, even though English is the dominate language in our home. He (even being born into a house hold that does speak more English) has found it easier to learn the Spanish language, he may very well need a bilingual teacher as well one for all of the Mommy's out there that need the help from gifted teachers such as yourself, I give thanks! :)

  2. Hi Julianna, It is great to meet other bilingual blogs and teachers. I am from Puerto Rico and teach a bilingual PreK/K class - mostly ESL students. I am the owner of
    I am always on the search for lower grade bilingual resources and I am so glad I found you. Maybe we can work together in the future!

    Mucha Suerte, Janice

  3. Loved reading more about you. Your passion for what you do is very obvious!

  4. Juliana, welcome to our Bilingual Teacher Clubhouse!



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